Serves: Serves 1.

Prep Time: The boil of the kettle.

Cooking Time: None.

Dietary Style: GF. Vegetarian. Vegan.

This is another of those kitchen cabinet as medicine chest recipes, that’s not really a recipe at all. More a little sip of wisdom. Fenugreek seed’s steeped in hot water are a digestive aid. The taste is mildly bitter with a tale of appleseed. It is strangely delicious.

Digestion matters in domestic Ayurveda because good digestion is considered a baseline for good health. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. We do little things all the time—everyday–to improve our digestion, and just let them add up. Fenugreek seed tea in the morning. Dahi (fermented yogurt) with lunch. Mukhwas or candy-coated fennel seed—a small heaped spoon sipped off the palm of our hands after dinner.

One of the biggest causes of disease in the body is stress, and one of the biggest daily stressors surrounds our own views of consumption. That idea that there has to be a “bigness” to how we approach our nutrition in order for changes to have impact. The discipline and disappointment of diets. Hiding restrictive regimes behind a vocabulary of wellness.

Please don’t. Or do. But know there is another way. 

Masala isn’t about immediacy. It’s about long-term relationship building to ourselves through taste. It’s about cumulative wellness taken in small and permissive doses.


  • 1 tsp fenugreek seed
  • 1 cup boiled water

  1. Boil your kettle and tip how water in to your favourite mug with a teaspoon of fenugreek seed.


